In Naturopathic Treatment, we uses five elements to cure all the body ailments in form of Treatments. Naturopathy medicine employs an array of pseudoscientific practices branded as "natural", "non-invasive", or promoting "self-healing".

निर्वेदा - NETI

The technique of nasal cleansing, known as Neti Kriya. It cleans the sinuses, ease the headache, tones up the optic nerves and thus improves eye sight.

तन सिद्धा - DHAUTI

It is intended mainly to the cleaning of the digestive tract in its full length.

संपूर्ण सिद्ध - BASTI

Basti is one of the six Hatha Yoga cleansing techniques for digestive system.

तप्त सिद्ध - NAULI

Nauli is specially performed to purify digestive organs, small intestine- and is based on a massage of the internal belly organs by a circular movement of the abdominal muscles.

आत्म सिद्धा - KAPAL BHATI

Also called breath of fire, The word kapalabhati is made of two Sanskrit words: kapal meaning 'skull', and bhati meaning 'shining, illuminating'.

तप्त रिदा - TRATAKA

Trataka is a yogic purification (a shatkarma) and a tantric method of meditation that involves staring at a single point such as a small object, black dot or candle flame.